Sub Assembly Service
- Let GTek get your project up and running faster. Whether you need a few parts assembled, a wire harness, or multiple components configured and tested, we can perform this task while providing you a single orderable part number. You will receive a complete sub assembly ready to install on your machine. This is one of our most popular services and our customers tell us that it saves them a great deal of time and money by drastically reducing the cost of Procurement, Quality Control, and Assembly.
- GTek Sub Assembly Service Includes The Following:
- Component Specification
- Operating Documentation
- 100% Testing
- Complete Sub Assembly Ready To Install
Compressor Modifications
- Tank or rack mounted air compressors are typically sold as base packages and then modified per customer requirements for air quality, mounting orientation, and serviceability. We are able to customize a single unit for your facility or modify hundreds for your OEM requirements. Typical modifications include:
- Filtration – Adding application specific filtration or drying equipment for removal of particulates that may adversely affect performance of the device consuming the compressed air.
- Automation – Adding automatic condensate (tank) drains, filter bowls, and condensate management systems.
- Configuration – Compressor systems mounted inside or “on board” of a customers device may require compressor components to be configured in a specific orientation in order to fit properly into the device.
- GTek Compressor Modifications Include the following:
- Component Specification
- Operating Documentation
- 100% Leak Testing
Tube Assembly Service
- Many of our customers products are shipped with tubing or “tube sets” that are required for the operation of the device. GTek can configure these as cut lengths of tubing, cut lengths of tubing with couplings or fittings installed, or complex assemblies with imbeded flow controls or other components.Our tube assembly service provides great value to our customers as base materials are typically bulky requring large amounts of paletized floor or rack space as well as dedicated assembly space which can be at a premium for many customers.
- GTek Tube Assembly Service Can Include the following:
- Component Specification
- Individual Tube Labeling
- Bulk Packaging
- Final Packaging
- Operating Documentation
- Leak Testing